Right of Way Bioswales in the Newtown Creek CSO Tributary Area

The City of New York, under State and Federal mandate, is implementing “green” strategies for stormwater management to address Combined Sewer Overflows that will improve the quality of stormwater. The approach is to use natural systems and processes within the impervious urbanized areas of the City with the ultimate goal of reducing the stormwater runoff to the Newtown Creek combined sewer tributary area. Our firm is working with Hatch Mott Macdonald to locate Right Of Way Bioswales (ROWBS) and Stormwater Green Streets within the tributary area. We are part of a team that has identified over 600 potential sites to capture stormwater in residential and commercial neighborhoods of Bushwick, a highly urbanized community in Brooklyn. The initial identification of ROWBS is followed up with Geotechnical investigations and Surveys of each area. Working with the NYCDEP Office of Green Infrastructure standards and guidelines, we will prepare design bid documents with all the data collected for each location. This project will provide a multitude of ecological benefits to the City by Reducing stormwater runoff, reducing heat island effect, providing shade with planted bioswales, and an improved aesthetic quality to the streetscape.

Microsoft PowerPoint Project Area Location Maps.pptx